What do you mean to be yourself?
The idea of being your genuine self. It sounds so vague, and you would probably brush it off when you see that because everywhere is promoting “being yourself”. I am guessing you will only brush it off if you don’t understand the true essence of it. Being myself is honestly difficult until it gets easier.
Being my genuine self means being honest with my values, even if I am the only one standing by it. It intends to honour my feelings, good and bad, and not try to justify why I should or shouldn’t feel a certain way just because the people around are not feeling the same. It is to receive love and joy fully without feeling sorry about being happy. It means I allow myself to cry, be angry, lazy and sad without judging myself for having bad days. Sometimes, it means opening up to our loved ones, showing our vulnerability and helpless days, allowing ourselves moments of falter and receiving support from others.
Being myself also means speaking the truth when I disagree and not fearing that I will be disliked for having a different opinion, and to be comfortable with views that are less appreciated by the majority. It can also be having the courage to speak up when I feel that something is not right and not be afraid to ask questions. It is to have difficult conversations with people and being open to receiving feedback. Such difficult conversations can be taken with broad perspectives and having the discerning ability to know whether the input is a constructive one or one that is projected onto me by others.
Being our genuine self is a process, and it only gets easier with practice. Coming back to our most authentic and highest living self is freedom of being.
With love,